Knowledge transfer for academics
The Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) programme allows academics to apply their learning to real-world challenges. Find out how you can get involved.

About KTPs
Partly financed by Innovate UK and other government co-funders, alongside the business partner, KTP projects apply world-leading academic knowledge to solve business-critical challenges.
KTPs are three-way collaborations between:
- a university or research organisation
- a company or non-profit organisation
- a talented graduate or postgraduate recruited by the university but based within the business. They’re also supervised by the academic
A KTP project can last anywhere from 12 to 36 months. 10% of the academic team’s involvement in KTP is funded. Academics should expect to commit half a day per week to a KTP project.
Benefits for academics
Why should academics choose a Knowledge Transfer Partnership?
- You’ll have the chance to build new relationships with industry.
- You will have the opportunity to apply the latest academic ‘know-how’ to solve real-world issues.
- There will be publishable outcomes in journal papers and conference proceedings.
- There are three new research projects and two research papers per project, on average.
- KTPs demonstrate and evidence impact and contribute to the Research Excellence Framework (REF).
- There is the potential for additional research income as a result of undertaking a KTP.
- There is an opportunity to facilitate business engagement with student projects.
- KTPs provide an opportunity to form a multi-disciplinary academic team that will add significant value.
Interested? Discuss your options with your Knowledge Transfer office.
Research impact and teaching
Apply your research to a real-world challenge
KTPs allow academics to practically apply their research to achieve tangible commercial outcomes. They validate the economic importance of research investment and can build upon their research foundation.
KTP projects are known to deliver research impact. Papers and publications are developed through KTP projects, and can contribute to the Research Excellence Framework of an academic department.
Generate valuable teaching material
Many academics use their experience of KTPs to enrich their teaching practices.
Case studies can demonstrate how their academic discipline can be applied to address a real-world challenge. Trusted partnerships are formed which can often lead to industrial student placements, industrial PhD studentships and other collaborative opportunities.
Support and management
KTP practitioners are an important initial point of contact. They work within academic institutions and are generally found within the knowledge exchange or research and innovation services team. They are involved in business development (pre-award) and provide the secretariat function (post-award) of KTP management.
Otherwise, contact your regional adviser (KTA) who will support your partnership to develop and scope your ideas into a supportable KTP project.
KTP practitioners and our network of Advisers work collaboratively to support all aspects of KTP delivery. Advisers are there to:
- be an honest broker and the primary source of KTP advice
- provide governance, also ensuring the project is being managed in accordance with Innovate UK criteria
- coach and mentor the KTP graduates
- advise on graduate training and development
- monitor project progress
- approve grant payments
- encourage best practice in knowledge transfer
All KTP Advisers have extensive knowledge of both higher education and businesses.
Help solve business-critical challenges
Interested in participating in a KTP? Discuss your options with your Knowledge Transfer office.